  • 第一届跨学科行为健康会议:机遇与挑战

  • 发布日期:2025-01-04 17:10    点击次数:200
    一、会议简介第一届跨学科行为健康会议将于2017年11月16-19日在湖南长沙举办。会议旨在全面了解国内外行为健康理论和应用的现状及进展。多位国内外知名学者将出席本次会议,并报告他们卓越的研究成果。会议将通过主题发言、特邀嘉宾发言和自由报告三种形式多角度地探讨行为健康。我们诚挚地邀请您参加本次会议。二、时间和地点2017年11月16日:报到2017年11月17日:会前工作坊2017年11月18-19日:主题会议会议地点:湖南省长沙市普瑞酒店(长沙市望城区普瑞大道8号)三、语言要求会议将使用中文和英语。国际讲者将采用英文报告,PPT将以中英文展示,会场不提供同声传译。国内讲者可以选择中文或英文报告,但PPT必须使用中英文书写。四、注册和费用所有参会人员(包括口头报告者和展板报告者)都应在会前注册。请将会议回执发送到会务组邮箱([email protected]),截止日期为2017年11月10日(会议回执见附件)。· 一般参会人员的注册费用为1200元/人(2天会议)· 在校学生的注册费用为600元/人(2天会议)参会人员的交通和食宿费用自理。任何与会议和注册相关的疑问请与胡宓博士联系(13574841159,[email protected])五、组织机构1. 主办单位· 行为健康学术论坛2. 承办单位· 香港中文大学医学院赛马会公共卫生与基层医疗学院· 中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院· 中山大学公共卫生学院3. 协办单位(按首字的拼音排序)· 湖南省疾病预防控制中心· 国际行为医学学会· 香港行为健康学会· 中国健康促进与教育协会· 《中华疾病控制杂志》杂志社· 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心· 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所· 中华医学会行为医学分会· 中华预防医学会妇女保健分会4. 委员会成员组织委员会主席:肖水源教授中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院联合主席:顾菁副教授中山大学公共卫生学院会务秘书:胡宓讲师中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院牛璐博士香港中文大学医学院赛马会公共卫生与基层医疗学院成员:程峰教授清华大学公共卫生研究中心程瑜教授中山大学社会学与人类学学院郝元涛教授中山大学公共卫生学院梁渊副教授华中科技大学公共卫生学院娄晓民教授郑州大学公共卫生学院陶茂萱教授中国健康教育中心王临虹教授中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所王建明教授南京医科大学公共卫生学院王彤教授山西医科大学公共卫生学院邬堂春教授华中科技大学公共卫生学院赵俊峰教授河南大学教育科学学院科学委员会主席: 刘德辉教授香港中文大学医学院赛马会公共卫生与基层医疗学院成员:常春教授北京大学公共卫生学院陈亚军副教授中山大学公共卫生学院江宇教授北京协和医学院公共卫生学院林丹华教授北京师范大学心理学院孟秀红教授安徽医科大学公共卫生学院赵莉教授四川大学华西公共卫生学院周欢教授四川大学华西公共卫生学院万崇华教授广东医科大学人文与管理学院徐岩副教授中山大学社会学与人类学学院张娟教授北京协和医学院公共卫生学院张诗晨副教授安徽医科大学公共卫生学院郑频频教授复旦大学公共卫生学院国际顾问Prof. Anne BERMAN (Sweden)Prof. Ron BORLAND (Australia)Prof. Joost DEKKER (Dutch)Prof. Stuart GILMOUR (Japan)Prof. Konstadina GRIVA (Singapore)Prof. Arthur KLEINMAN (United States)Prof. Xiaoming LI (United States)Prof. Karen MORGAN (United Kingdom)Prof. Rona MOSS-MORRIS (United Kingdom)Prof. Urs NATER (Germany)Prof. Per NILSEN (Sweden)Prof. Brian OLDENBURG (Australia)Prof. Frank PENEDO (United States)Prof. Chengxuan QIU (Sweden)Prof. David SEAL (United States)Prof. Kasisomayajula VISWANATH (United States)六、会议邀请嘉宾的简介1. 主题讲者介绍Arthur KLEINMAN教授美国哈佛大学医学院人类学系人类学Ester and Sidney Rabb教授,艺术与科学系成员;全球卫生与社会医学系医学人类学教授;精神病学教授。Ester and Sidney Rabb Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Medical Anthropology in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine and Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School 主题:社会科学与公共卫生的关联:社会疾苦与照顾李立明教授北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教授;曾任中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院党委书记、常务副院校长;中国疾病控制中心首任主任。主题:Mega Cohort Study and Behavioral HealthFrank PENEDO教授美国西北大学Feinberg医学院医学社会科学Roswell Park教授;心理学、精神病学与行为健康科学教授;Robert H. Lurie癌症中心幸存和癌症幸存研究所主任;癌症控制与幸存研究项目负责人;国际行为医学学会(ISBM)主席。Roswell Park Professor of Medical Social Sciences, Psychology, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine;Director of Survivorship and of the Cancer Survivorship Institute and Program Leader of the Cancer Control and Survivorship Research Program, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center;President, International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM)主题:Behavioral Medicine Applications in Patient Centered and Precision Oncology Care2. 部分特邀讲者介绍(按姓氏首字母排序)Prof. Ron BORLANDNigel Gray Distinguished Fellow in Cancer Prevention, Cancer Council Victoria;Professional Fellow in the Schools of Population and Global Health and Psychological Sciences, University of MelbourneInsights from tobacco control to advance behavioural health in other domainsProf. Joost DEKKERProfessor of Allied Health , Department of Psychiatry and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center;Former President, International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM) The updated definition of behavioral medicine—an invitation to contributeProf. Stuart GILMOURAssociate Professor, Department of Global Health Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, University of TokyoThe WHO Interactive Smoking Projection Tool: Modeling the global gains from full implementation of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control demand reduction measuresProf. Konstadina GRIVAAssociate Professor and Chair (Research), Department of Psychology, National University of SingaporeHealth literacy predicts hospitalization in patients with coexisting diabetes and end stage renal disease: a prospective cohort studyProf. Xiaoming LIProfessor and Endowed Chair, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior; Director, South Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality, Arnold School of Public Health University of South CarolinaResilience-based psychosocial intervention among children affected parental HIV/AIDS in ChinaProf. Karen MORGANAssociate Professor and Academic Lead in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences; Head of Student Support and Personal Development, Perdana University Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland School of Medicine (PU-RCSI)President, European Health Psychology SocietyAging and behavioral healthProf. Rona MOSS-MORRISChair and Professor in Psychology as Applied to Medicine, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College LondonDeveloping effective theory based interventions for people with long term conditions: The example of irritable bowel syndromeProf. Urs NATERLichtenberg Professor of Clinical Biopsychology, Department of Psychology, University of MarburgPresident Elect, International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM)Stress and fatigue—biopsychosocial mechanismsProf. Per NILSENProfessor of Social Medicine and Public Health, Linköping UniversityImplementation Science Pre-conference WorkshopProf. Brian OLDENBURGProfessor and Chair of Non-Communicable Disease Control and Director of the Centre for Health Equity, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of MelbourneBehaviour change to improve diabetes outcomes—What works?Prof. Chengxuan QIUAssociate Professor and Senior University Lecturer, Aging Research Center, KarolinskaInstitutetLifestyle and behavioural factors and neurocognitive disorders in agingProf. David SEALProfessor, Vice-Chair, and Doctoral Program Director, Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical MedicineQualitative Methods Pre-conference WorkshopProf. Kelvin TSOIResearch Associate Professor, Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre and the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong KongDigital behavior on Healthcare Research: An Emerging Epidemiological fieldProf. Kasisomayajula VISWANATHLee Kum Kee Professor of Health Communication, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Professor of Health Communication, McGraw-Patterson Center for Population Science, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI); Director, Center for Translational Communication Science, DFCI/Harvard ChanUnderstanding communication, health and poverty: A global imperativeProf. Stephen Heung-sang WONGChairman and Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education; Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research; Associate Head, United College, The Chinese University of Hong KongPhysical activity and behavioral healthProf. Qingpeng ZHANGAssistant Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong KongSocial media analytics of depression-focused online health communities七、会前工作坊介绍主题一:定性研究方法介绍-研究设计与数据分析(Introduction to Qualitative Methods: Design and Analyses)主讲人:David SEAL教授时间:2017年11月17日 9:00-12:00地点:待定内容简介:工作坊将综合介绍定性研究的三大基本内容,包括研究的概念化、研究设计和数据分析。工作坊将介绍如何将感兴趣的主题发展成适用于定性研究的研究问题,以及这些研究问题应当如何选择最恰当的定性研究方法;定性研究设计中最关键的问题将是此次工作坊介绍的重点内容。工作坊还将介绍不同类别数据分析设计中的注意事项,以及如何构建数据分析计划,并介绍常用的数据分析策略,包括主题内容分析、释义分析、语言和互动分析。这些分析方法都将一一举例说明。Aims to present an introductory overview to three basic foundations of qualitative methods: study conceptualization, research design, and data analyses. Participants will learn how to develop a question of interest appropriate for qualitative methods and how to determine which qualitative method(s) will best address the question of interest. Focus will be given to key design questions to consider when developing a qualitative study.  Participants also will learn about different data analytic design considerations and how to develop an analytic plan. Common analytic strategies will be reviewed, including Thematic Content Analysis, Interpretive Analysis, and Linguistic and Interactional Analysis. Illustrative examples will be presented.主题二:实践科学(Implementation Science)主讲人:Per NILSEN教授时间:2017年11月17日14:00-17:00地点:待定内容简介:工作坊将概述实践科学。实施科学是一个快速发展的研究领域,它主要关注的是,将研究结果应用于卫生服务等领域和循证医学(包括干预、方法和项目等)所面临的挑战。自2000年以来,在循证医学的兴起过程中,实施科学也逐渐发展,人们广泛认识到,科学发现应该更全面地应用到医疗实践中去。工作坊将介绍这一领域简单的发展历史、关键术语、用于理解和解释“实施”的理论、成功实施的决定因素框架(包括不同类别的阻碍和促进因素),以及实施的结果。Aims: The session provides an overview of implementation science, a rapidly growing research field that focuses on the challenges of implementing research findings and evidence-based practices (interventions, methods, programs, etc.) in health care and other settings. The field has expanded in the 2000s in the wake of evidence-based medicine and its broader application as evidence-based practice, movements which have popularized the notion that scientific findings should be more comprehensively implemented within typical practice. The session presents a brief history of the field, key terms, theories used to understand and explain implementation, determinant frameworks of different types of barriers and facilitators to implementation success and implementation outcomes.主题三:CEOS理论在健康相关行为改变中的应用-理性判断在健康选择中的局限性(Applications of CEOS Theory to Health Behaviour Change Understanding the Limited Role of Rational Appraisal in Health Choices)主讲人:Ron BORLAND教授时间:2017年11月17日14:00-18:00地点:待定内容简介:工作坊将介绍CEOS(Context, Executive, and Operational Systems)理论,并重点介绍该理论是如何对行为医学中的一系列挑战进行再概念化。理论上认为,行为是个体每时每刻的内在需求(操作过程)与外界环境相互作用的结果。对人类来说,行为还受到目标的影响。执行行动是能够克服当下的、暂时的情形, 形成纯粹的情绪力量来完成行为的行动,这也是行为的终端通路。这一概念指出了情绪在行为中的关键作用,认为在执行过程中,情绪是处理内部状态与环境之间关系的信号。情绪的力量可以来源于直接经验的记忆,替代经验,以及情绪的交流。它通过个人的经理在行动时发生影响。执行行动,如寻求目标,只有在操作程序被激活并支持的情况下才能发生,它要求个体克服其他所有具有竞争性的行为趋势。工作坊将概述这一理论的关键假设,并以授课者30年的控烟工作经历为例,展示这一理论如何帮助授课者理解吸烟者的行为,并为如何有效地沟通,如何促进自我调节过程(包括自我控制)提供新的视角。工作坊还将介绍,如何采用这一理论提供的框架来理解当前几乎所的行为改变技术的贡献和局限性。我们将鼓励参与者将这一理论中的元素应用到自己的研究领域中。我们希望在工作坊结束时,参加者能够理解这两个过程(操作过程和执行过程)在行为和行为改变中的作用,并能够采用新的视角来理解自己的实践和研究领域。Workshop Summary: This workshop provides a brief introduction to CEOS theory, with a focus on how it reconceptualises a range of challenging issues within behavioural medicine. Behaviour is theorised to be the result of the moment by moment interaction between internal needs (operational processes) in relation to environmental conditions, and for humans this is augmented by goal-directed, executive action which can overcome immediate contingencies to create net affective force for action which is the end pathway to action. This conceptualisation postulates a key role for emotions as signals to executive processes about internal states and relationships with the environmental context. Affective force can come from memories of direct experience, vicarious experience, emotionally-charged communications mediated through stories the person generates and are available to them at the point of action. Executive behaviour, ie, goal seeking, can only occur when operational processes have been activated to support it, and this requires overcoming any competing action tendencies. This seminar outlines the key postulates of the theory, then shows via examples taken from the authors 30 years of experience in tobacco control, how the theory helps make sense and provide new insights around how to communicate most effectively, and how to facilitate self-regulatory processes, including self-control. It also will show how the theory provides a framework for understanding the contributions and limitations of virtually all existing behaviour change techniques. Participants will be encouraged to apply elements of the theory to their own areas of work. It is hoped attendees will come away with a heightened understanding of the potential of dual process approaches to behaviour and behaviour change and new insights into their areas of practice and research.阅读材料Borland, R. Understanding Hard to Maintain Behaviour Change: A Dual Process Approach. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. 2014).Borland R. CEOS Theory: A comprehensive approach to understanding hard to maintain behaviour change. Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing. 2016; 9(1), 3-35. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12083.会前工作坊的注册费用· 一般参会人员的注册费用为:300元/人(一个工作坊);500元/人(两个工作坊)· 在校学生的注册费用待定任何与会前工作坊相关的疑问请联系牛璐博士(+852-2647-5628;[email protected])八、摘要征集欢迎参会人员积极投稿。录取的摘要将以口头报告或展板展示的形式在会中交流。摘要请发送至会务组邮箱[email protected],邮件主题请务必注明“【摘要】”。1. 与摘要征集有关的重要日期摘要征集截止日期2017年9月25日摘要录取结果公布日期2017年10 月9 日摘要录取者回复并注册的截止日期(逾期将取消资格)2017年10月16日2. 要求· 字数:不超过300字· 语言:中英文各一份· 建议格式:BMJ的格式o 背景和目的(Background and Objectives)o 研究设计(Design)o 研究现场(Setting)o 研究样本(Participants)o 主要结果的测量方法(Main outcome measures)o 结果(Results)o 结论(Conclusions)(综述、Meta分析、案例报告等类型的文章可以根据内容修改格式)3. 主题范围· 生活方式(例如体育锻炼、饮食、睡眠等);成瘾行为(例如饮酒、吸烟、物质滥用、网络成瘾、赌博等);卫生服务相关行为(例如卫生服务利用、筛查、自我照料等);照料者相关行为;行为改变机制;行为干预和健康促进· 健康的社会相关因素;健康的社会平等;政策和行为健康;社区精神卫生;精神卫生促进· 实施和转化科学;行为健康的相关理论和应用;行为健康结局模型;混合方法研究;流行病学和行为健康;行为干预相关的荟萃分析· 跨学科研究;E-health和数字健康;大数据和健康· 特殊人群(例如流动人口、同性恋、双性恋和跨性别人群、特定疾病患者、青少年、老年人、妇女等)4. 优秀稿件评选我们将评选最佳自由报告奖和最佳展板奖任何与摘要投稿有关的疑问请联系牛璐博士(+852-2647-5628;[email protected])5. 文章刊登我们将邀请优秀的会议发言者,将发言内容撰写文章,刊登于《中华疾病控制杂志》的一期以行为健康为专题的特刊。九、会议日程安排(暂定)日期时间会议安排2017.11.16全天报到2017.11.17全天报到9:00-12:00工作坊1: 定性研究方法介绍-研究设计与数据分析14:00-17:00工作坊2: 实施科学14:00-18:00工作坊3: CEOS理论在健康相关行为改变中的应用-理性判断在健康选择中的局限性2017.11.18上午开幕式、大会发言午餐/下午各分会场报告晚上行为健康学术论坛工作会议2017.11.19上午大会发言午餐展板展示下午各分会场报告闭幕式十、行为健康学术论坛简介行为健康学术论坛旨在为与行为健康相关的跨学科专业以及致力于这些专业的人员提供分享经验、促进合作的平台。论坛成员以学院为单位,不接受个人申请。论坛的使命是通过跨学科的行动,促进行为健康领域在中国的发展。论坛发起单位(共22家,按首字拼音顺序)安徽医科大学公共卫生学院、北京大学医学部公共卫生学院、北京师范大学心理学院、北京协和医学院公共卫生学院、复旦大学公共卫生学院、福建医科大学公共卫生学院、广东医科大学人文与管理学院、哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生学院、河南大学教育科学学院、华中科技大学公共卫生学院、昆明医科大学公共卫生学院、南京医科大学公共卫生学院、齐齐哈尔医学院公共卫生学院、清华大学公共卫生研究中心、山西医科大学公共卫生学院、四川大学华西公共卫生学院、香港中文大学医学院赛马会公共卫生与基层医疗学院、浙江大学公共卫生学院、郑州大学公共卫生学院、中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院、中山大学公共卫生学院、中山大学社会学与人类学学院。十一、支持单位本次会议的国际专家住宿费用和论坛成员单位学生奖学金由广东慈元堂健康研究中心资助。